Is porn making you impotent? How to solve this!

Is porn making you impotent? How to solve this!

954f2284304998e8fdc7d744caf3a656When you think of a young male, the thoughts horny, fertile and bountiful can often spring to mind. However, recent surveys have shown that up to a third of young men are now experiencing erectile dysfunction. While some prefer not to speak about it and their suffering in silence is also making their sex life suffer, many are turning to outrageously extreme measures such as penile transplants – absolutely bonkers right?

With campaigns such as ‘Ed is dead’ bombarding the London underground and constant television adverts luring men into buying different brands of Viagra, maybe the solution is to find out what exactly it is that are making our younger generation of men impotent and alternative ways we can solve the issue.

It seems that one of the biggest problems and conductors of erectile dysfunction is high exposure to pornographic videos and content. Porn can be a very dissociative experience and you are depending on something that is quite far removed from you to arouse you. The more porn you watch the higher your arousal threshold is and you find that although your mind may be stimulated by what you see, you cannot transfer these feelings physically to your body.

Many men who have suffered from this issue have stated that they overcame it by beginning Tantric massage therapy and that this spiritual massage style helped them to connect their body and mind. I’ve talked with one of the young men who has suffered from erectile dysfunction that has severely had an impact on their relationships, sex life, their confidence and their mental health. Josh swears by Tantric massage therapy for helping them to curve their porn addiction and to have a regular and healthy sex life.

What the people we interviewed had to say on the matter

josh1Josh, 23 – “I began watching porn from quite a young age, around nine or ten years old I would say. I have quite reserved Christian parents who do not like to speak about sex and I attended a Christian school where Sex Education was basically non-existent as we were told simply to “not have sex.” I was very curious and hit puberty at quite a young age, however, I felt dirty and ashamed about being interested in knowing more about anything remotely sexual, which is why I turned to porn. I felt as if I shouldn’t be watching it, which is what led to me watching it excessively, it was like some sort of thrill and something I had to myself which wasn’t very common when you have strict, religious parents who try control every aspect of your life. It wasn’t until I went to university and started to have sex that I realised the damage porn had on me. My girlfriend at the time broke up with me because of my inability to perform and she even spread around that I was gay due to me not being able to get an erection despite her best efforts. I tried Viagra which did work, but I was never able to orgasm, therefore the sex wasn’t enjoyable and I felt as if I was doing it simply to prove a point.

I decided to speak to a good friend about my problem and he suggested that I paid a visit to the erotic massage parlour that he goes to. At first, I was quite sceptical, but once he told me about the Tantric massage service I was very keen to try it as it sounded like a natural way to gain back drive and ability to have an erection.

When I arrived at the massage parlour the masseuse was warm and welcoming which automatically lifted the pressure and made me feel at ease. She led me into a room with dimmed lights and candles, with relaxing music playing. The atmosphere was serene and calm and as soon as she began to massage my body I entered into a state of relaxation. She performed a full body to body massage on me while we were both fully naked which was of course arousing, however, it never felt as if the purpose of the experience was a sexual pleasure. I felt my mind, body and soul connect and was more aware of erogenous zones in my body and how they could have a positive effect on my body. It truly was an experience that helped me overcome my erectile dysfunction.”


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